Saturday, 20 November 2010

Magazine Analysis- NME

The cover does look quite similar to other music magazines such as ‘KERRANG Both titles are at the top of the page with a main image of a close up picture of a music artist. Free posters are being given away which is written at the left hand side of the page as well as large cover lines at the bottom of the page matching the picture. ‘KERRING’ has a similar target market, however it includes more rock music which matches the font and name of the title.

By contrast, they both have their own unique selling point. NME generally appears to be much brighter with a large range of different colours used. This is because it offers a larger variety of other music genres than other magazines. Therefore, it needs to include a variety of colours which are not consistent throughout such as black with ‘KERRANG’ with a target audience primarily aimed at rock. The title is always distinctive as it is in exactly the same place of the front cover but also changes colour according to the pictures unlike other music magazines.

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